Upholsterer Monza - ᑕ❶ᑐ Upholsterer Milan | ☎️ 02 480.078.42 | Asnaghi

ASNAGHI: Via G. Cantoni, 6
Milan - (C.so Vercelli area)
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Upholsterers Monza

Upholsterer Monza. Who and what does he do?
upholsterers monza, Asnaghi Simone, Via G. Cantoni, 6 – 20144 (C.so Vercelli area) in Milan, is specialized both as an upholsterer, in fabric and leather, and in covering and padding chairs, sofas and other furnishing items such as: curtains, drapes, mattresses, beds, pillows or cushions. The activity is carried out as the owner of the upholsterer's shop in Milan, can be combined with the sale of upholstery items, also in Monza.

EREDI DI ASNAGHI- A.S. Asnaghi & C. Sas
Via G. Cantoni, 6 - 20144 (MI) (C.so Vercelli area)
Tel./Fax 02 480.078.42 - Cell. 320 705.7323
Mail: asnaghisimone@yahoo.it
Vat: 03587310966

What are your most frequent activities?
Its activities may include: cutting of upholstery materials (fabrics, natural and artificial leather); preparation, treatment and adaptation of padding materials; repair of internal fabric and leather structures and objects to be upholstered; sewing of upholstery both by machine and by hand; application of upholstery; restoration of furniture;.

Where does it operate and under what conditions?
Its activity takes place mainly in upholstery workshops in Milan.

What tools or equipment do you use?
To carry out his activity he uses sewing machines, cutters and electric staplers.

What are the requirements to carry out this profession?
Years of experience are required, along with specific training courses. Good manual skills, good eyesight, precision, aesthetic sense, and ease in interpersonal relationships are also necessary.

Upholsterer and Antique Furniture Restoration
EREDI DI ASNAGHI - A.S. Asnaghi & C. Sas - Milan
posizionamento siti milano:
realizzazione siti web milano:
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